Pensioner missing, home ransacked

Pensioner Russell Lexton Cromhout has disappeared from his small holding in Esenembe. | SUPPLIED

Pensioner Russell Lexton Cromhout has disappeared from his small holding in Esenembe. | SUPPLIED

Published Jun 2, 2024


Durban — The family of a missing pensioner fear that he may have been abducted.

Russell Lexton Cromhout, 69, who lives in Esenembe on the North Coast, was reported missing on Wednesday when his family went to visit him at his home and found he was not there.

The pensioner’s son, Tyron Cromhout, said the family had last seen their father two weeks ago during his birthday party at his Esenembe smallholding.

“My dad lived alone in his house for the past 25 years. We saw him last for his birthday.

“It was only when his friend Arthur called him about a week ago and he didn’t answer his phone, that he got worried and alarm bells went off.

“We suspect he has been missing from Sunday but we’re not sure. Police are there today (Friday) so hopefully we will hear something soon,” he said.

Tyron said that his father’s vehicle was also missing.

“What’s worse is that his white Hyundai Tucson is missing and his house was ransacked.

“I hate to say it, but I think he’s been abducted. We’re just not sure why as he’s not wealthy, he just loves his plants and everyone loves him,” he said.

“I have hope he will be found. I must stay positive, he is a lovely person and having him lost somewhere unknown is so heartbreaking. We just want him to come back home.”

Tyron said they were receiving support from many organisations and friends.

“The police have been really good under the circumstances and so much has been done by Reaction Unit South Africa (Rusa). Friends, family, neighbours, Farm Watch and many others are helping to find him,” said Tyron.

Private security company Rusa has been conducting helicopter searches in the ILembe district. Prem Balram, spokesperson for Rusa, said: “We are doing a helicopter and ground search in surrounding rural areas and were working on information received from the public.

“Reaction officers were called to the home and found it was ransacked. We further received information that the pensioner was seen driving his vehicle a few days ago. We couldn’t verify the source but searched the area, with negative results.

“However, until he is found and/ or we receive new information, we will continue to search,” said Balram.

A missing persons case has been opened at ⁠Umhlali police station and by 5pm on Saturday Cromhout was still missing.

Sunday Tribune