Eating healthy over the festive season can be done - here’s how

Eat more fresh vegetables rather than frozen vegetables. Picture: Supplied

Eat more fresh vegetables rather than frozen vegetables. Picture: Supplied

Published Dec 18, 2023


The festive season is here and that doesn't mean you should throw away all of your healthy eating habits.

It can be difficult trying to stay healthy during the holiday as you tend to eat more than you planned, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

We spoke to Granny Mouse Country House and Spa, Executive Culinary Artist, Wayland Green on how we can eat healthy over the holiday’s, and below is what he said.

Fresh vegetables

Eat more fresh vegetables rather than frozen vegetables. Fresh vegetables are a good source of energy when used as a juice or in a shake.

Fresh fruits

Whenever you can have a fresh fruit. Instead of snacking on biscuits or junk food (chips & chocolates) have a fruit.

Cooked meals

Cut out the take away meals over the festive season and opt for home cooked meals instead, however if you really feel like it, there are places that offer healthier options on their menu and rather go for that.

Processed and canned foods

Use fresh foods as opposed to canned and processed.  Canned and processed foods have lots of unhealthy fats which is not good for the body.

Cooking methods

- Use steaming of vegetables rather than blanching.

- Use olive oil and not normal cooking oil.

- Grill on an open flame rather than frying meats or fish.

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