WATCH: Trevor Noah criticised for not addressing the Israel-Hamas war on his new podcast

Trevor Noah on stage. Picture: Instagram.

Trevor Noah on stage. Picture: Instagram.

Published Nov 23, 2023


Wars across the world are a narrative that has made world-wide headlines in the 21st century.

Last year, the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out and in October this year, the Israel-Hamas war broke out. It led to thousands of deaths, including children, on both sides.

On Wednesday, the Hamas-run government media office announced that the Palestinian death toll on the Gaza Strip had risen to 14 532 since the outbreak of the conflict on October 7.

Ismael al-Thawabta, director of the office, said during a press conference that among the deceased were 6 000 children and 4 000 women.

He adding that more than 35 000 people had been injured since the war began, almost two months ago.

The victims included 205 medical personnel, 22 people from civil defence teams and 64 journalists, al-Thawabta said.

Meanwhile, over 7 000 people have been reported missing, more than 4 700 of them children and women, he added.

And with reports about the war continuing, South African born and internationally renowned comedian and television host Trevor Noah has been criticised for not addressing the conflict on his new podcast, What Now? With Trevor Noah.

Noah kicked off the show with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and for the second episode, which was released this week, he interviewed Bill Gates.

In the series premiere episode with Johnson, the pair discussed everything from The Rock's troubled youth and his lifelong struggles with depression, to his listening, understanding and responding to public feedback surrounding the launch of his fund following the Maui fires.

Johnson also spoke about whether he would ever consider running for US president on the podcast.

And during the latest episode with Gates, the American businessman discussed how he and Paul Allen schemed to get computer time as teenagers.

He also spoke about the dangers that he believes AI might play in society’s future, as well as what it is like to be at the centre of so many conspiracy theories.

Despite the calibre of the guests on Noah’s podcast, some of his followers were not pleased with him only interviewing international figures so far.

Others were also not happy that he has not addressed the Israel-Hamas war.

One user wrote: “I respect you so much but your silence on Palestinians has broken my heart. Your book or story changed people’s lives. Please use your platform for good.”

A second user wrote: “Surprised you have not once spoken about #palestine. Call out an apartheid when you see it!”

A third wrote: “We are disappointed in you, Trevor. I actually looked up what you had to say about the Gaza genocide. I found nothing.”

A fourth questioned: “You were always vocal about your experience with apartheid living here in South Africa. How can you now be totally silent on the blatant apartheid and genocide happening in Gaza?”

While many felt disappointed with the comedian, others defended him, with one saying: “Some of you guys act as if if Trevor speaks out the war will end. He is only human! He has no obligation to speak out on what is going on in the world.”

Another commented: “After reading some of the comments I see that some of you give celebrities way too much power. Yes, it is horrible what is happening in Gaza but what really makes any of you think Trevor is going to be the one to solve it? This is 75 years worth of fighting that is not going to end because a celebrity said so. Most of you are only looking for someone famous to be on your side and if Trevor were to say anything that you do not agree with you would want him cancelled. Please think of what you guys really want before you ask for it.”