Local socialite Mandy Malebo has passed away

Mandy Malebo. Picture: Instagram.

Mandy Malebo. Picture: Instagram.

Published Jan 5, 2024


Social media is one of the most popular platforms used by people for various reasons.

Some use it for entertainment, while others use it to air their problems or as a platform to to cry for help.

Socialite Mandy Malebo was one of the people who was vocal on social media about her depression. She unfortunately passed away before finding help.

The mother of one died on January 4 after an alleged suicide. Her close friends confirmed her passing.

“Lost a friend today. Ekare maka. I am going to miss you forever, angel. This was meant to be a better and more beautiful year, but God had other plans. Rest easy, Tlago wame,” wrote @brainy_beaut.

Malebo had a son with local musician Mondli Ngcobo. In social media posts that have been deleted, Malebo described Ngcobo as an absent father who only paid child support but never made an effort to spend time with him.

She once shared a video on her Instagram story, telling followers about the abuse she endured at home.

“My mom continues to defend Mondli, knowing very well the trauma I’ve had to experience in this broken relationship with my dad, all because they could not sort out their issues and could not voice out the things that they hate. Mondli has seen his child once. My child has only seen his dad once. And my mom continues to defend him, all because he sends money,” said Malebo.

She also claimed that she was beaten up by her mother the previous night.

“And I got beat up. My scalp hurt, my mom pulled me so hard by my hair. And then this morning my mother was so nice towards me and my son, why? Because she’s continuing to manipulate me. She wants to put me through this abuse over and over and I’m not going to be quiet about it. I’m not even going to be quiet about how sh*t Mondli is. All because he sends money, I’ve been made to believe that because he’s taking care of his child, he’s a good dad and a good person, but no, Mondli is sh*t. I am hurt, I am angry, I am depressed. I’m not going to be okay.”

Watch the full video below

Now that Malebo is no more, X has become a battlefield, with people arguing about who may have hurt her to the point where she was driven to take her own life.

The truth is that people commit suicide for several reasons, and only that person knows why.

Melebo’s friends and followers described her as a kind person.

“Never met Mandy Malebo in person, but we would chat on Instagram in the early hours of some night when we were both having a rough time. She was such an incredibly kind person. I don't know what happened, but I hope she’s at peace. She needed that,” commented @Smartontherocks.

— Abuti Absolute 👟👟 (@TSHEPOKAATE) January 5, 2024

Neither Malebo’s mother nor Ngcobo have commented on her allegations.