Donald Trump moves his permanent home from New York to state tax-free Florida

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump on the South Lawn of the White House. Picture: Evan Vucci/AP

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump on the South Lawn of the White House. Picture: Evan Vucci/AP

Published Nov 1, 2019


New York - President Donald Trump is forsaking New York for the

warm ocean breezes of Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump, who was born in Queens and proud of his image as a savvy

Manhattan real estate mogul, in September filed papers in Palm Beach

County Court saying he will make his Mar-a-Lago resort his "permanent


First lady Melania Trump filed a similar document.

Both Trumps reported they also maintained homes at 1600 Pennsylvania

Ave. in Washington - the White House - as well as 900 Lamington Rd.

in New Jersey, the site of the Trump National Golf Club. The Trumps

listed 721 Fifth Ave. - Trump Tower - as a place they "formerly


The documents filed in the West Palm Beach courthouse give no reason

for the move.

Unlike New York, Florida has no state income tax, and its 6 per cent

sales tax is less than the combined city and state levies of 8.875

per cent charged in New York City.

And Trump's support for scaling back the deductibility of state and

local taxes from federal income taxes has made New York even more

expensive for high earners.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo had an answer for that one on Thursday


"Good riddance," Cuomo tweeted. "It's not like @realDonaldTrump paid

taxes here anyway."

New York investigators are trying to obtain Trump's state tax returns

- which he has never made public.

Although Florida leans more Republican than New York, Trump won't

find friends everywhere in the Sunshine State - the US lawmaker who

represents Palm Beach, Lois Frankel, is a Democrat who backs Trump's


Trump hasn't visited New York much since he became president in 2017.

A tally by NBC News says he spent 99 days of his presidency at

Mar-a-Lago, 90 days at the New Jersey golf club, and just 20 days at

Trump Tower.


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