WATCH: Clueless buffalo wanders into path of hunting lioness



Published Sep 5, 2022


Durban - A video captured in the Kruger National Park recently shows a buffalo unknowingly wandering into a lioness’s trap while feeding.

In the video, a buffalo strays from the herd which is grazing nearby. The buffalo wanders near a bush, which the lioness is hiding behind.

The buffalo keeps its head down the entire time until suddenly it spots the lioness and bolts.

The lioness then chases down the herd.

Investment specialist Faizal Shariff Noor, 48, witnessed the strange event with his cousin and nephew and shared his story with Latest Sightings.

“We were driving back towards Satara for lunch when my cousin spotted lions in the distance and shouted to stop. The buffalo herd was sitting together and we saw the first two lions charge towards them, leaving them unsettled. We then noticed another lion approaching from the opposite side and were expecting an ambush.

“Once the buffalo walked straight up to the lion, the chase kicked off and all we saw was dust with giraffes and the buffaloes scattering. The lions returned unsuccessfully and the sighting ended with heaps of dust and confused giraffes running away with the buffaloes – and dissatisfied hungry lions.

"I’ve seen a few chases before, but this was very rare as it was so clear and open to observe.

"We were all super excited and thought this was going to be our first kill. It was such an amazing sight! We were witnessing not just a hunt, but what seemed like a perfectly planned strategy. We got anxious and thought the buffalo was walking straight into the jaws of death and then… well, what a surprise,” Noor said.