We remember Lindiwe Sibiya

Lindiwe Sibiya, 31, was stabbed 17 times in her own home. Picture: Supplied

Lindiwe Sibiya, 31, was stabbed 17 times in her own home. Picture: Supplied

Published Aug 30, 2018


Lindiwe Sibiya was going places. She had just moved from Heidelberg in Gauteng to join her husband in Lephalale, where they both worked for Eskom. The couple had been together for seven years and had two children, aged three and seven. 

On the surface, everything looked rosy. However, according to people close to the couple, something sinister had been lurking in the background for some time. 

Over the Freedom Day weekend in April this year, the couple planned a trip to KwaZulu-Natal to celebrate their anniversary. The trip would be the last time anyone would see Lindiwe alive.

The couple allegedly got into a fight and a day after they returned home Lindiwe was found dead in their home. She had been stabbed 17 times. Lindiwe's husband says she committed suicide. She was 31 years old.

According to a friend, Lindiwe had called her uncle shortly after their return and told him she wanted out of the marriage. The friends said the call was cut off, and when her uncle tried to call back, her phone was off.

While nobody knows what really happened that day, Lindiwe's children now face a future without her. Her family have to come to terms with her death and the fact that a man who they accepted into their homes and their lives may have been responsible.

Lindiwe will never celebrate another Women's Month, another birthday or Christmas. She will never get to see her young children finish school and become young adults. They will never again be able to turn to her for guidance and protection.

For Lindiwe's sake and the sake of women everywhere, if you know somebody who has committed an act of violence against a woman Don't Look Away

If you know a young woman's life is in danger, Don't Look Away

If you are able to help prevent another tragedy, Don't Look Away


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