Point of order! Sharing of Free State Speaker’s sex video condemned

An explicit video, depicting a naked Free State Legislature Speaker Ntombizanele “Zanele” Beauty Sifuba indulging in online sexual activity, has been widely circulated on social media. Photo: Twitter

An explicit video, depicting a naked Free State Legislature Speaker Ntombizanele “Zanele” Beauty Sifuba indulging in online sexual activity, has been widely circulated on social media. Photo: Twitter

Published Nov 9, 2022


Pretoria - The ANC Women’s League has condemned the wide circulation of an explicitly graphic video depicting a woman purported to be Speaker of the Free State Legislature Ntombizanele “Zanele” Beauty Sifuba.

The video which has been trending, particularly on Twitter, shows the woman, lying on a bed and indulging in online sexual activity.

Speaking to IOL, ANC Women's League National Working Task Team, spokesperson Dina Pule said although she had not seen the video, the sharing of explicit videos of women was despicable.

“Well, it does not take us to have seen and established who it is in the video, we condemn acts of sharing of such videos. It does not matter who is in that video, we fight for the rights of women. Every woman deserves dignity and their privacy,” said Pule.

“That is a violation of somebody’s privacy. We can’t do that. Who would want to go out and record such? It is wrong.”

According to media reports, Malefane Bosanku Msimanga, the provincial secretary of the EFF in Free State, and Edgar Legoale, the regional chairperson of ANC Youth League (ANCYL) in the province have denounced the “insensitive” distribution of the graphic video.

Blogger Musawenkosi Khawula shared the video on Twitter, with the caption: “Video of Zanele Sifuba with a Nigerian man doing tlof tlof leaked.”

Another popular blogger, Man’s Not Barry Roux, commented on the video: “Do not watch the ANC Free State Legislature Speaker Zanele Sifuba’s sex tape video, resist the temptation to watch it, there is nothing to see, I can’t sleep. I am having nightmares because of Zanele Sifuba’s sextape. It had grey hairs”.

Sources told IOL there was no comment yet from the Free State Legislature.

This is a developing story