SA divided on whether ANC will deliver on election promises - poll

Less than 50 percent of registered voters interviewed ahead of the election believe the ANC will live up to its election promises, said a recent poll. Picture: Reuters/Sumaya Hisham

Less than 50 percent of registered voters interviewed ahead of the election believe the ANC will live up to its election promises, said a recent poll. Picture: Reuters/Sumaya Hisham

Published May 6, 2019


Cape Town - According to an Ipsos poll released on Monday, less than 50 percent of registered voters interviewed ahead of Wednesday's election believe the ANC will live up to its election promises.

The survey, conducted between March 22 and April 17 among 3 500 respondents, asks registered voters specific questions about South Africa's three leading parties - the African National Congress (ANC), the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).

On the ANC, 49 percent of those who participated in the survey had faith the ANC would deliver on election promises. That number rises to 68 percent among ANC supporters. 

Just over half of the respondents agreed the ANC was addressing the scourge of state capture.

"A small majority of registered voters believe that the party is addressing state capture, but it is less positive that less than half believe that corruption will become less of an issue in the future," the global opinion research said in a press release.

Respondents were asked to respond to the statement that the DA "talks a lot, but does very little for people like me". Around 55 percent of respondents agreed, while that number takes a dip to 26 percent among DA supporters.

Half of the respondents agreed the opposition party was having leadership issues, while this is also the prevailing theory among 39 percent of DA supporters polled.

"DA supporters are divided about the issue of leadership issues in the party – an opinion like this can hurt the party on Wednesday, but they overwhelmingly support the opinion that the party has managed the province and metros where they are in power well," Ipsos said.

Around 59 percent of those surveyed believes the EFF's policies were too radical, that figure rising to 33 percent among EFF supporters.

Sixty percent of respondents indicated the EFF was having a negative impact on Parliament, with only 26 percent of EFF supporters agreeing with this statement.

African News Agency (ANA)

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