Land debate is just a political gimmick, says PAC deputy leader Nyhontso

Published Mar 18, 2019


East London - The ongoing debate about land driven by the African National Congress and Economic Freedom Fighters is "just a political gimmick", Pan Africanist Congress deputy leader Mzwanele Nyhontso said on Sunday.

Only the PAC could resolve the land question, he told the African News Agency (ANA) during a PAC election campaign event in East London.

"The PAC talks about restoration of land to its rightful owners, the people who were dispossessed. The PAC will introduce the real land debate based on historical context," Nyhontso said.

The debate about the expropriation of land without compensation was an incorrect approach. "We cannot be talking about expropriation of land from the people who are not the rightful owners of the land," he said. 

The PAC leadership and supporters visited a number of taxi ranks in East London and interacted with citizens about their concerns.

Street hawker Phakamisa Ngalonkulu said, "If government can give the people land and tools to farm to produce crops it can solve a lot of problems such as urban density." Government also needed to introduce support services to deal with problems affecting livestock, he said. 

A taxi operator urged the PAC to resolve the issues of taxi route permits. "These route permits make the taxi industry less profitable and result in the taxi violence," the operator said.

Nyhontso urged voters to give the PAC a chance, which was the only party that would "restore the dignity of African people". 

Pan Africanist Congress deputy leader Mzwanele Nyhontso (wearing red beret) on the campaign trail in East London on Sunday. Picture: African News Agency (ANA)

The PAC has reached an agreement following lengthy factional battles ending up in court. The deal sees Narius Moloto resuming the PAC leadership with Nyhontso as his deputy until the PAC's next elective congress. The PAC currently has one parliamentary seat. 

On the court deal, Nyhontso said, "The compromise is the bitter pill that we had to swallow in order to participate in the upcoming elections and end the standoff between the two factions. It has been difficult because many party constituencies were not happy about it, but they understand that it had to be done to save PAC from the demise."

African News Agency/ANA