ANCYL president says members who don’t toe the line will be fired

Published Mar 10, 2024


Young ANC MPs and councillors will be expected to report to the party’s headquarters Luthuli House every Monday on what they are doing for the youth. This is the wish of the ANC Youth League (ANCYL) President Collen Malatji.

Malatji recently declined an offer to go to parliament, saying he wanted to focus on reshaping the organisation.

Malatji said that failure to do so will result in him and ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula taking action.

“Mbalula and I don’t play, we act. We will fire people,” he said.

Malatji addressed hundreds of party supporters at the ANCYL’s Peter Mokaba Volunteers Rally in Alexandra Township on Sunday.

Malatji promised to instil accountability at the house to do away with people who can’t account and do as they please.

“People will start reporting at Luthuli House, this thing of people doing as they please will come to an end. Every Monday, all the young MPs will report to me on what they are doing for the young people,” he said.

Malatji said the ANC was not a harbour of corrupt and lazy people, further pointing out that it was an old movement for the people, not those who wanted to feed their families.

“We have sent the youth to parliament to ensure that challenges facing the young people were addressed and youth league resolutions were implemented,” he said.

Furthermore, he mentioned that it was a lie that the ANC has not done anything for the past 30 years of democracy.

He mentioned that his party built schools, houses, and universities and also provided water to the people.

This is despite South Africans being plunged into poverty, water shortages, high unemployment rates, and load shedding.

Malatji further urged the youth to participate in the May 29 elections, warning them against voting for the opposition, including the parties, Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and Democratic Alliance (DA).

— Kamogelo Vega (@Kamogelo_Vegaa) March 10, 2024

“When you don’t vote for the ANC, you’re going to have issues like Tshwane, where there is no water because the DA-led government has given criminals water tankers to go around supplying water at the expense of our people,” he said.

According to Malatji, the service providers in Tshwane closed down water supply facilities to cash in money.

“It’s clear that when the ANC loses power, criminals will take over,” Malatji said.

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