WC provincial parliament speaker to lead anti-GBV march calling for justice for murdered learner

Sisipho Mayilem was murdered in January. She went missing and her body was found a week later in bushes near Camphill Bridge.

Sisipho Mayilem was murdered in January. She went missing and her body was found a week later in bushes near Camphill Bridge.

Published Apr 4, 2022


The Speaker of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament, Masizole Mnqasela, is set to lead an Anti-Gender Based Violence march in Hermanus on Monday calling for justice for Sisipho Mayile.

Mayile a matric student at Qhayiya Secondary School in Zwelihle, went missing on January 16, and her body was found in the bushes near Camphill Bridge in Hermanus a week later.

Mnqasela and community members will hand over a memorandum of demands to the SAPS Provincial Commissioner, Major General Thembisile Patekile, in his capacity as a Constituency head of the Overstrand Municipal area.

Mnqasela said: "South Africa has a major gender-based violence (GBV) problem, with numerous daily incidents of murder, rape, harassment and abuse of women in particular.

“I am calling on communities across the province to stand up and speak out against all forms of GBV and domestic violence. If we keep silent, the war will continue to be waged as frustrations of lockdown and alcohol abuse rise to exacerbate the crises."

Mnqasela added that women and children deserved better. She said they deserved to be protected and feel safe within their homes and communities.