4 steps to helping matrics get their best results

Here are four steps to help matrics improve their results. Photo: Simone Kley.

Here are four steps to help matrics improve their results. Photo: Simone Kley.

Published Nov 2, 2021


Every year, teachers, principals, learners and parents focus on the preparation and writing of the final matric examinations, and every year we are left feeling battered and disappointed at the less-than-desirable results.

Why is this? What sustainable solutions are there and how do we implement them? What are we missing in our efforts to fix this worrying trend?

Einstein said that the definition of insanity was doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.

It is time to look at making significant changes to the way we approach the matric exams, and indeed, education as a whole.

While there are many changes needed in our education system, there are four key factors that will go a long way in improving how our matrics fair in years to come.

They are:

1. Emotional Intelligence: Emotional Intelligence skills are key to changing the way teachers and learners approach education.

Studies have shown that prioritising the teaching of emotional intelligence skills improves our ability to take in and retain new information, study smarter, concentrate better and it improves relationships in the school environment. These skills include self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy and social skills.

How can effective learning take place when a learner or teacher does not see the value of who they are and, worse, lacks the motivation that is needed to engage in learning?

Emotional Intelligence skills improve self-esteem, confidence and resilience. Learners and teachers work with greater courage and determination and they get to feel more fulfilled and happier in the process.

2. Training: Attention needs to be given to changing the way teachers are being trained. Focus needs to be less on the theoretical aspects of education and more on practical ways in which to connect and engage effectively with learners. Teachers are inherently creative beings and training should be focused on uplifting our teachers and encouraging them to love their work.

Training needs to be motivating and practical with easy-to-achieve methods of teaching new skills and concepts.

3. Reduce admin: It is time to significantly reduce the amount of admin work that teachers are forced to do and give our teachers space to teach in creative ways.

Piling more and more admin on our teachers is counter-productive. Exhausted teachers cannot teach effectively - they end up teaching to fulfil the requirements of the paperwork given to them.

Learners need creative, motivated teachers who are excited about their work.

4. Get the basics right: We cannot ignore the significance of using prior knowledge as the basis of teaching each lesson.

Many learners fail because of a lack of understanding of new knowledge that is taught independently of prior or root knowledge.

The challenges being experienced in our attempts to improve the matric results are seemingly overwhelming, but they are not impossible.

Let’s stop what we are doing and find solutions which will result in a better South Africa for all.