Covid protocols... here is what to expect at the polls on Monday

Published Oct 30, 2021


When voting in South Africa’s municipal elections on Monday the IEC has in place a strict set of coronavirus protocols to ensure the safety of the voting public and election officials.

So here is what to expect.

All voters will be required to wear masks, as will all election officials, party agents and accredited observers. If you do not wear a mask, election officials will refuse you entry to the voting station.

When it comes to physical distancing, voters are encouraged to queue 1.5m apart from fellow voters, election officials and party agents. In addition only a limited number of people will be allowed inside the polling venue at any one time and the IEC has asked voters to be patient.

Inside polling stations, all stages of voting will be distanced at least 1.5m apart, including the polling booths.

When the identity of the voter is being checked, election officials will not touch your ID document or smart card while scanning it. They will then mark you off on the voter’s roll and you will move onto the inking table.

When inking your thumbnail, election officials will apply the ink, and will ask you to wait a moment before you move on to ensure that the ink has dried before your hands are sanitised going into the voting station.

Sanitiser containing at least 70% alcohol will be available at all polling stations, although voters may bring their own.

Voters are encouraged to bring their own pens to the voting station, but if they can’t, election officials will be sanitising all pens at the voting station after each use. In addition all voting surfaces will be wiped down with sanitiser before and after use.

The IEC encourages voters to politely speak up if people are too close to you, or if anyone’s behaviour makes you feel uncomfortable. Or to bring it to the attention of the station's presiding officer.

Polling hours are from 7am to 9pm, giving you plenty of time to make your mark.

To find out the candidates standing in your ward, visit this handy website

The Independent on Saturday