‘Born into Fame’ debut, navigating legacies and personal challenges

Published Jun 24, 2024


The much-anticipated reality series "Born into Fame" premiered recently on Showmax, capturing the attention of viewers eager to peek into the lives of South Africa's celebrity offspring.

Produced by GOAT Production, the show follows six children as they strive to honour their famous parents' legacies while pursuing their own unique paths to success.

The debut episode introduced the cast and delved into their personal and professional journeys.

Shamiso Mosaka, daughter of radio presenter Azania Mosaka, shared her struggles with depression and social anxiety.

She also revisited a controversial incident from 2017 involving inappropriate tweets during a Migos concert, providing a raw and candid look at her past.

Robbie Malinga Jnr, son of the late Robbie Malinga, discussed the dual nature of his inherited fame.

He revealed that he took over his father's Instagram account and uses it to build his own social media presence, acknowledging both the advantages and the pressures that come with being a "nepotism baby“.

Phila Madlingozi, son of legendary musician Ringo Madlingozi, spoke about his strained relationship with his father and his efforts to establish a name for himself as an actor and musician.

Tank ‘The Rockstar’ Khathi, the first child of DJ Tira (Mthokozisi Khathi), along with Owamie and AJ Mafokate, children of Arthur Mafokate who are both DJs, rounded out the cast, each sharing their aspirations and the dynamics within their famous families.

Following the premiere, internet users took to social media platform X (formerly Twitter) to share their thoughts and reactions.

@Promise observed, "AJ seems to be overprotective of his sister; I hope he won’t overshadow Owamie on #BornIntoFame. We need to see her shine too."

@Amke noted, "Episode one of #BornIntoFame is OUT and Shamiso is the only one that said she does not want to continue her mom’s legacy! I already have a fave!"

@Ayanda_H expressed empathy: "Shamiso has been through a lot, guys. Self-harm is not a joke. What matters is where she is at the moment. We are proud of you, queen @Shamiso_ #BornintoFame."

The social media buzz highlighted the show's ability to resonate with viewers, who appreciated the cast's openness and vulnerability.

The first episode didn't shy away from diving deep into the personal and often emotional journeys of its cast.

Robbie Malinga Jnr. discussed leveraging his father's contacts while dealing with invasive public attention.

Shamiso Mosaka's openness about her mental health struggles struck a chord with many, shedding light on the unseen struggles behind public personas.

"Born into Fame" offers a fresh perspective on the realities of growing up with famous parents, blending the allure of celebrity with the authenticity of personal struggle.

The debut episode has set the stage for what promises to be a compelling and insightful journey, as these young individuals balance honouring their parents' legacies with forging their own identities.

Viewer reactions indicate a strong, supportive audience eagerly following their stories.