KZN judges mourn death of two retired judges

Published Jun 19, 2024


Durban — KwaZulu-Natal judges are mourning the death of two judges who died this month.

On the death of Justice Shyam Gyanda, KZN Judge President Thoba Poyo-Dlwati said judges in KZN learnt of the death of Judge Gyanda on June 17, a few months before what would have been his 70th birthday on September 1.

Judge Gyanda graduated from the then University of Durban-Westville in 1978 after reading for the BA and LLB degrees. He joined the Durban Bar, served pupillage under Peter Gastrow, and was one of the founding members of Advocates Group 7 in Salmon Grove Chambers. He had a wide and thriving practice as an advocate and served as a member of the Heath Investigative Unit. After a few stints as an acting judge both in the Eastern Cape and in KZN, he was appointed permanently to the KZN Bench during 2001. He discharged his duty with courage and diligence.

“He was a valued member of the bench, a trusted colleague and a friend to all. Both at the Bar, and on the bench, in addition to sound advice, he always had a kind word and a smile for all who sought his counsel and guidance, and if the occasion permitted it, a joke, sometimes naughty and sometimes wicked, would be added in,” said Judge Poyo-Dlwati.

She said sadly, Judge Gyanda’s failing health persuaded him to seek release a little earlier than he would have liked, and he retired on May 31, 2020.

“We remember our brother with fondness,” said Judge Poyo-Dlwati.

“The judges of the KwaZulu-Natal Division send their heartfelt condolences to his widow, Shireen, his children Kajal, Sahil and Alka and to the wider family.”

Meanwhile, Justice Nic van der Reyden died on June 12.

Judge Van der Reyden graduated from the University of Pretoria in 1972. He joined the Durban Bar in 1976 where he practised, taking silk on April 24, 1990. He acted as a judge in the then-Natal Provincial Division for a few terms until he was appointed permanently to the Bench on August 1, 1992. He served there tirelessly until his retirement in 2010.

“Judge Van der Reyden will be remembered for his abiding decency and humility … a true “salt of the earth”,” said Judge Poyo-Dlwati.

“The Judges of the KwaZulu-Natal Division extend their sincere condolences to his wife Dain, his son Nicholas and daughter Marijke and to the wider family and loved ones.”

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