Rising DA star in hot water over Instagram story featuring Good's #DeLille

Complaint was filed against Siphesihle Dube, believed to be on track to be a DA MP, after being pictured partying with former mayor Patricia de Lille. Picture: Supplied

Complaint was filed against Siphesihle Dube, believed to be on track to be a DA MP, after being pictured partying with former mayor Patricia de Lille. Picture: Supplied

Published Feb 28, 2019


Cape Town - Rising star in the DA Siphesihle Dube could be in hot water for partying with Good people.

The former political appointee spokesperson in the provincial Department of Transport and Public Works is believed to be on the fast track to be a DA MP, but these hopes could be dashed after Dube was pictured on social media partying with former mayor Patricia de Lille.

De Lille recently celebrated her birthday at Rands in Khayelitsha, and Dube took the opportunity to pose with the Good party leader, posting the images to his Instagram story.

DA chief whip John Steenhuisen lodged the complaint against Dube particularly in light of Dube being nominated to represent the party in the National Assembly.

He addressed the complaint to the party’s federal executive (fedex) chairperson James Selfe.

DA national spokesperson Solly Malatsi confirmed that the matter had been referred to the party’s federal candidates elections committee (FCEC).

“A complaint has been lodged against a particular candidate which has subsequently been referred to the FCEC to allow the individual to respond to the allegations in order for the FCEC to determine if there are grounds for an investigation,” Malatsi said.

In his letter, dated February 19, to Selfe, Steenhuisen outlined the reasons behind his request for an investigation into Dube’s candidacy.

“During the course of last weekend it appears that Dube attended, or was present at the birthday celebrations of the Good party leader, Patricia de Lille, at Rands in Khayelitsha where he was photographed with De Lille (while she is wearing a Good hat), such pictures having being shared on social media,” said Steenhuisen in his complaint to Selfe, which the Cape Argus has seen.

A complaint has been laid against the DA’s Siphesihle Dube after being pictured with former mayor Patricia de Lille, who left the DA last year to start the Good party. Picture: Supplied

Steenhuisen attached a picture as evidence to back up his complaint.

“I wish to place on record that I think there is something fundamentally wrong with this situation,” Steenhuisen’s complaint continued.

“De Lille had just come from an event where she had attacked our party and its leader, something she does on a daily basis.

“While the rest of our party and our candidates were busy hanging posters, doing door to door, attending presence events and defending our party at public meetings, Dube was partying it up with De Lille,” Steenhuisen wrote.

He requested a formal investigation into Dube’s candidature be launched, as Dube was in “a highly electable position to the National Assembly”.

Steenhuisen mentioned Dube’s apparent history of sharing pro-De Lille posts on social media.

“Given Dube’s social media history of publicly sharing and liking posts that are critical of the party, I find it hard to stomach the fact that he will simply waltz into a seat in the National Assembly on the back of work done by the very people he and his circle sneer at and attack,” Steenhuisen wrote.

He requested that Dube’s “actual commitment to the cause” as well as his contribution to the DA’s election campaign be ascertained through an investigation.

Approached for comment, Dube said he was unaware of any complaint against him.


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Cape Argus

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